Voyager 2 Uranus Magnetic Field in Uranian U1 Coordinates, Resampled, Version 1.0, 9.6 s Reduced Data Record (RDR) Data
2020-07-07 21:15:59Z
* Data Set Overview
* =================
This Data Set includes Data from the Low Field Magnetometer (LFM) in the Solar Wind during the Uranus Encounter. The Encounter Data (1986-01-24T07:00:00 to 1986-01-25T04:00:00) have been averaged from the 1.92 s averaged Data to a 9.6 s resampled Rate and are provided in the Uranus Longitude (U1) Coordinate System. Magnetometer Data in the Solar Wind are given in Heliographic Coordinates and are also available in a separate Data Set.
The Data Set consists of the following Columns:
* 1) ctime - Decimal Seconds since 1966-01-01T00:00:00.000
* 2) pdstime - ISO Standard Time Format
* 3) Spacecraft Clock Value - m65536
* 4) Spacecraft Clock Value - mod60
* 5) Spacecraft Clock Value - fds_line
* 6) mag_id - Magnetometer ID: 1=LFM, 2=HFM
* 7) Br - Radial Component
* 8) Bphi - Longitudinal Component
* 9) Btheta - Colatitudinal Component
* 10) Bmag - Magnitude of the averaged Magnetic Field Components
* 11) avg_Bmag - Average of the Magnitude of the raw Components
* 12) lambda - Magnetic Longitude, lambda=atan(Bt/Br)
* 13) delta - Magnetic Latitude, delta=asin(Bn/avg_Bmag)
* 14) rms_br - Br Pythagorean RMS Deviation of the Component Average
* 15) rms_bt - Bt Pythagorean RMS Deviation of the Component Average
* 16) rms_bn - Bn Pythagorean RMS Deviation of the Component Average
* 17) npts - Number of Points in the Average
* 18) Data Flag - A Character String which indicates Software or Spacecraft Hardware Intervention which reduces Confidence in the Data, Null Flags represent "good" Data
The U1 Coordinate System is a Non-inertial Spherical Coordinate System that rotates with Uranus with a Period of 17.24 h. The Magnetic Field Components in the U1 Coordinate System are:
* Br - Radial Magnetic Field Component, along the Uranus to Spacecraft Line, positive away from Uranus
* Bphi - East Longitudinal (U1) Magnetic Field Component
* Btheta - Colatitudinal (U1) Magnetic Field Component
An ancillary Data File containing the derived Spacecraft Magnetic Field is provided with these Data at a 48 s Sample Rate. These Data provide Zero Level Offsets used in the Data Processing. Spacecraft Field Data is provided in Spacecraft Coordinates.
| Parameter Characteristics | Value |
| Sampling Parameter Name | TIME |
| Sampling Parameter Resolution | 9.6 |
| Minimum Sampling Parameter | 19770820120000.000000 |
| Maximum Sampling Parameter | UNK |
| Sampling Parameter Interval | 9.6 |
| Minimum Available Sampling Int | 0.060000 |
| Sampling Parameter Unit | SECOND |
| Data Set Parameter Name | MAGNETIC FIELD VECTOR |
| Noise Level | 0.006000 |
| Data Set Parameter Unit | NANOTESLA |
The Document describing the Contents of the Collection.