This Jupyter notebook demonstrates using the hdpws Python package to access Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) metadata documents from the Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP). Additionally, it utilizes cdasws to retrieve the data described by the SPASE metadata. It assumes some familarity with the SPASE data model. This notebook contains the following sections:
Install the prerequisite software from Python Package Index (PyPI) software repository.
Execute some preliminary code that is necessary before the code that follows.
from datetime import datetime
from hdpws.hdpws import HdpWs
from hdpws import NAMESPACES as NS
from hdpws.resourcetype import ResourceType as rt
from hdpws.spase import AccessURL
from cdasws import CdasWs
from cdasws.datarepresentation import DataRepresentation as dr
from IPython.core.display import HTML
hdp = HdpWs()
cdas = CdasWs()
# limit display of long lists
today ='%Y-%B-%d')
def display_link(
url: str,
text: str) -> None:
display(HTML(f'<a href="{url}" target="_blank">{text}</a>'))
The following code demonstrates discovering the software we will use below to get the data we want.
query = {
'CodeLanguage': 'Python',
'Description': 'CDAS'
result = hdp.get_spase_software(query)
if result['HttpStatus'] == 200:
print(f'Software search results:')
for software in result['Result'].findall('.//Software', namespaces=NS):
resource_id = software.findall('.//ResourceID', namespaces=NS)[0].text
resource_name = software.findall('.//ResourceName', namespaces=NS)[0].text
display_link(f'{hdp.endpoint}Spase?ResourceID={resource_id}', resource_name)
Software search results:
The following code demonstrates how to get the list of available /Spase/MeasurementType values.
result = hdp.get_measurement_types()
print('HDP MeasurementTypes:')
for i, value in enumerate(result['MeasurementType']):
print(f'{i}. {value}')
HDP MeasurementTypes: 0. ActivityIndex 1. Dopplergram 2. Dust 3. ElectricField 4. EnergeticParticles 5. Ephemeris 6. ImageIntensity 7. InstrumentStatus 8. IonComposition 9. Irradiance 10. MagneticField 11. Magnetogram 12. NeutralAtomImages 13. NeutralGas 14. Profile 15. Radiance 16. Spectrum 17. SPICE 18. ThermalPlasma 19. Waves 20. Waves.Active 21. Waves.Passive
The following code demonstrates how to get the list of available /Spase/ObservedRegion values.
result = hdp.get_observed_regions()
observed_regions = result['ObservedRegion']
print(f'HDP Observed Regions:')
for i, value in enumerate(observed_regions):
print(f'{i}. {value}')
if i == DISP_LIMIT:
print(f'{len(observed_regions) - 1}. {observed_regions[-1]}')
HDP Observed Regions: 0. Asteroid 1. Comet 2. Comet.1PHalley 3. Comet.26PGriggSkjellerup 4. Comet.67PChuryumovGerasimenko 5. Earth ... 124. Venus.Magnetosphere.RingCurrent
The following code demonstrates how to get the list of available /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values.
result = hdp.get_observatory_ids()
observatory_ids = result['ObservatoryID']
print(f'HDP ObservatoryIDs:')
for i, value in enumerate(observatory_ids):
print(f'{i}. {value}')
if i == DISP_LIMIT:
print(f'{len(observatory_ids) - 1}. {observatory_ids[-1]}')
HDP ObservatoryIDs: 0. spase://SMWG/Observatory/AE-D 1. spase://SMWG/Observatory/Helios1 2. spase://SMWG/Observatory/DynamicsExplorer1 3. spase://SMWG/Observatory/SolarOrbiter 4. spase://SMWG/Observatory/IMP8 5. spase://SMWG/Observatory/MarsExpress ... 4043. spase://SMWG/Observatory/UNH
query = {
'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/MAG',
'Cadence': '=PT4M',
'ObservedRegion': 'Heliosphere.NearEarth',
'MeasurementType': 'MagneticField',
'AccessRights': 'Open',
'Style': 'WebService'
types = [rt.NUMERICAL_DATA]
time_range = ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02']
result = hdp.get_spase_data(types, query, time_range)
if result['HttpStatus'] == 200:
for spase in result['Result'].findall('.//Spase', namespaces=NS):
id = spase.find('.//ResourceID', namespaces=NS)
name = spase.find('.//Name', namespaces=NS)
description = spase.find('.//Description', namespaces=NS)
#print('Name: ', name.text)
print(f'ResourceID: {id.text}')
print(f'Description: {description.text[:60]}...')
display_link(hdp.get_spase_url(id.text), 'HTML representation of SPASE')
ws_access_url_element = \
spase.find('.//AccessURL[Style="WebService"]', namespaces=NS)
if ws_access_url_element is not None:
ws_access_url = AccessURL(ws_access_url_element)
ws_name =
ws_product_key = ws_access_url.product_key[0]
if "CDAWeb" in ws_name:
display_link(ws_access_url.url, 'Example data access code')
description = cdas.get_datasets(id = ws_product_key)
doi = description[0]['Doi']
display(HTML(f'<b>Data Citation</b>: {cdas.get_citation(doi)}. Accessed on {today}.'))
print('Retrieving data...')
example_interval = cdas.get_example_time_interval(ws_product_key)
var_names = cdas.get_variable_names(ws_product_key)
data = cdas.get_data(ws_product_key, var_names,
dataRepresentation = dr.XARRAY)[1]
ResourceID: spase://NASA/NumericalData/ACE/MAG/L2/PT4M Description: This Data Product contains Measurements from the ACE Magneti...
Retrieving data... <xarray.Dataset> Size: 2kB Dimensions: (Epoch: 31, cartesian: 3, dim0: 3) Coordinates: * Epoch (Epoch) datetime64[ns] 248B 2024-06-12T21:56:00 ... 2024-06-1... * cartesian (cartesian) <U11 132B 'x_component' 'y_component' 'z_component' metavar0 (cartesian) <U6 72B 'Bx GSE' 'By GSE' 'Bz GSE' metavar2 (cartesian) <U9 108B 'ACE X-GSE' 'ACE Y-GSE' 'ACE Z-GSE' metavar3 (cartesian) <U9 108B 'ACE X-GSM' 'ACE Y-GSM' 'ACE Z-GSM' Dimensions without coordinates: dim0 Data variables: Magnitude (Epoch) float32 124B 2.381 2.335 2.55 ... 3.996 3.977 3.921 BGSEc (Epoch, cartesian) float32 372B 0.476 0.737 ... 2.145 0.352 BGSM (Epoch, dim0) float32 372B 0.476 1.196 -1.9 ... 3.26 2.018 0.808 SC_pos_GSE (Epoch, cartesian) float32 372B 1.48e+06 2.496e+05 ... 1.04e+05 SC_pos_GSM (Epoch, cartesian) float32 372B 1.48e+06 2.197e+05 ... 1.556e+05 metavar1 (dim0) <U8 96B 'Bx (GSM)' 'By (GSM)' 'Bz (GSM)' Attributes: (12/30) TITLE: ['ACE> Magnetometer Parameters'] Project: ['ISTP>International Solar-Terrestrial Physi... Discipline: ['Space Physics>Interplanetary Studies'] Source_name: ['AC>Advanced Composition Explorer'] Data_type: ['H1>4-Min Level 2 Data'] Descriptor: ['MAG>ACE Magnetic Field Instrument'] ... ... Acknowledgement: ['Please acknowledge the Principal', 'Invest... Rules_of_use: ['See the rules of use available from the AC... Alt_logical_source: ['ACE_MAG_Solar-Wind-Magnetic-Field-Level2-H... spase_DatasetResourceID: ['spase://NASA/NumericalData/ACE/MAG/L2/PT4M'] DOI: [''] CDAWEB_PARENTS: ['ac_h1_mfi_00000000_v01', 'ac_h1_mfi_202406...