Module hdpws.hdpws
Module for accessing the Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP) web services
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
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# You can obtain a copy of the agreement at
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this NOSA HEADER in each
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Module for accessing the Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP) web services
import platform
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from datetime import datetime
import requests
from dateutil import parser
from hdpws import __version__, NAMESPACES as NS
from hdpws.dateinterval import DateInterval
from hdpws.resourcetype import ResourceType
# HTTP If-Modified-Since header datetime.strftime format value.
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_FORMAT = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z'
class HdpWs:
Class representing the web service interface to NASA's
Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP) <>.
URL of the HDP web service. If None, the default is
Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server.
HTTP proxy information. For example,<pre>
proxies = {
'http': '',
'https': '',
Proxy information can also be set with environment variables.
For example,<pre>
$ export HTTP_PROXY=""
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=""</pre>
Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will
override the default bundle.
Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate.
A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent values.
The logger used by this class has the class' name (HdpWs). By default,
it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure
the logger to aid in diagnosing problems.
This class is dependent upon xml.etree.ElementTree module which is
vulnerable to an "exponential entity expansion" and "quadratic blowup
entity expansion" XML attack. However, this class only receives XML
from the (trusted) HDP server so these attacks are not a threat. See
the xml.etree.ElementTree "XML vulnerabilities" documentation for
more details
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(
self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__)
self.retry_after_time = None
self.logger.debug('endpoint = %s', endpoint)
self.logger.debug('ca_certs = %s', ca_certs)
self.logger.debug('disable_ssl_certificate_validation = %s',
if endpoint is None:
self._endpoint = ''
self._endpoint = endpoint
self._user_agent = 'hdpws/' + __version__ + ' (' + \
platform.python_implementation() + ' ' \
+ platform.python_version() + '; '+ platform.platform() + ')'
if user_agent is not None:
self._user_agent += ' (' + user_agent + ')'
self._request_headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/xml',
'Accept' : 'application/xml',
'User-Agent' : self._user_agent
self._session = requests.Session()
#self._session.max_redirects = 0
if ca_certs is not None:
self._session.verify = ca_certs
if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is True:
self._session.verify = False
if proxy is not None:
self._proxy = proxy
self._timeout = timeout
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
def __str__(self) -> str:
Produces a string representation of this object.
A string representation of this object.
return 'HdpWs(endpoint=' + self._endpoint + ', timeout=' + \
str(self._timeout) + ')'
def __del__(self):
Destructor. Closes all network connections.
def close(self) -> None:
Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting
this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary.
def endpoint(self) -> str:
Gets the endpoint value.
endpoint value.
return self._endpoint
def get_application_interfaces(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/Software/ApplicationInterface values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'ApplicationInterface' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Software/ApplicationInterface values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/ApplicationInterface',
def get_keywords(
) -> Dict:
Gets all //Keyword values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'Keyword' key with a value
of a List containing all /Keyword values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Keyword',
def get_instrument_ids(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/Instrument/ResourceID values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'InstrumentID' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Instrument/ResourceID values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Instrument/ResourceID',
def get_repository_ids(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/Repository/ResourceID values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'RespositoryID' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Respository/ResourceID values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Repository/ResourceID',
def get_styles(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/Style values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'Style' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Style values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Style',
def get_measurement_types(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/MeasurementType values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'MeasurementType' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/MeasurementType values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/MeasurementType',
def get_spectral_ranges(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/SpectralRange values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'SpectralRange' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/SpectralRange values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/SpectralRange',
'SpectralRange', 'SpectralRange')
def get_phenomenon_types(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/PhenomenonType values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'PhenomenonType' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/PhenomenonType values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/PhenomenonType',
def get_observatory_group_ids(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/Observatory/ObservatoryGroupID values available
at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'ObservatoryGroupID' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Observed/ObservatoryGroupID
values with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Observatory/ObservatoryGroupID',
'ObservatoryGroupID', 'ObservatoryGroupID')
def get_observatory_ids(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'ObservatoryID' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Observatory/ResourceID',
'ResourceID', 'ObservatoryID')
def get_observed_regions(
) -> Dict:
Gets all /Spase/ObservedRegion values available at HDP.
Dictionary containing a 'ObservedRegion' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/ObservedRegion values
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/ObservedRegion',
'Region', 'ObservedRegion')
def get_spase(
resource_ids: List[str],
**keywords: Union[
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified SPASE documents from HDP.
List of SPASE ResourceID values of the documents to get.
Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br>
<b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since
datetime value.<br>
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
- Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header
when available.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
url = self._endpoint + 'Spase'
headers = {}
if_modified_since = keywords.get('if_modified_since', None)
if if_modified_since is not None:
headers = {
'If-Modified-Since': \
query = {
'ResourceID': resource_ids
response = self._session.get(url, params=query, headers=headers,
self.logger.debug('response.url = %s', response.url)
status = self.__get_status(response)
if response.status_code != 200:
return status
result = {
'Result': ET.fromstring(response.text)
return result
def get_spase_url(
resource_id: str
) -> str:
Gets the URL of the specified SPASE document from HDP.
SPASE ResourceID value of the document to get.
URL of the specified SPASE document.
return self.endpoint + 'Spase?ResourceID=' + resource_id
def get_spase_html(
resource_id: str,
**keywords: Union[
) -> str:
Gets the an HTML representation of the specified SPASE document
from HDP.
SPASE ResourceID value of the document to get.
Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br>
<b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since
datetime value.<br>
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key whose value is an HTML
representation of the specified SPASE document with the
addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
- Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header
when available.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
url = self.endpoint + 'Spase'
headers = {
'Accept': 'text/html'
if_modified_since = keywords.get('if_modified_since', None)
if if_modified_since is not None:
headers['If-Modified-Since'] = \
query = {
'ResourceID': resource_id
response = self._session.get(url, params=query, headers=headers,
self.logger.debug('response.url = %s', response.url)
status = self.__get_status(response)
if response.status_code != 200:
return status
result = {
'Result': response.text
return result
def get_spase_data(
resource_types: List[ResourceType],
query: Dict,
date_range: Union[List[str], DateInterval] = None,
**keywords: Union[
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified SPASE "data" documents from HDP.
List of SPASE ResourceTypes to get. ResourceType.NUMERICAL_DATA
, ResourceType.DISPLAY_DATA, or both.
Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For
query = {
'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/CRIS',
'Cadence': '=PT1H',
'ObservedRegion': 'Heliosphere.NearEarth',
'MeasurementType': 'EnergeticParticles',
'AccessRights': 'Open',
'Format': 'CDF'
A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string
values of the start and stop date of the requested resources.
for example,<pre>
date_range = ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02']
Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br>
<b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since
datetime value.<br>
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
- Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header
when available.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_complex_resource(resource_types, query,
date_range, **keywords)
def get_spase_catalog(
query: Dict,
date_range: Union[List[str], DateInterval] = None
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified SPASE Catalog documents from HDP.
Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For
query = {
'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/MAG',
'PhenomenonType': 'MagneticCloud',
'Description': 'ICME'
A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string
values of the start and stop date of the requested resources.
for example,<pre>
date_range = ['1999-01-01', '1999-01-02']
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.CATALOG], query,
def get_spase_collection(
query: Dict
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified SPASE Collection documents from HDP.
Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For
query = {
'ResourceID': 'spase://NASA/Collection/IRIS_AIA',
'MemberID': 'spase://NASA/NumericalData/SDO/AIA/PT10S',
'Description': 'IRIS AND SDO and AIA'
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.COLLECTION], query)
def get_spase_document(
query: Dict
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified SPASE Document documents from HDP.
Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For
query = {
'ResourceID': 'spase://SMWG/Document/HPDE/Policy/HP_DataPolicy_v1.2',
'DOI': '10.21978/P83P78',
'Description': '"Program Data Management Plan"'
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.DOCUMENT], query)
def get_spase_service(
query: Dict
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified SPASE Service documents from HDP.
Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For
query = {
'ResourceID': 'spase://CCMC/Service/InstantRun',
'Description': '"Instan-Run"'
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.SERVICE], query)
def get_spase_software(
query: Dict
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified SPASE Software documents from HDP.
Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For
query = {
'ResourceID': 'spase://CCMC/Software/Kamodo',
'CodeLanguage': 'Python',
'Description': '"space weather models and data"'
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.SOFTWARE], query)
def __get_simple_resource(
resource: str,
name: str,
result_name: str
) -> Dict:
Gets all simple resource values available at HDP.
Resource path. For example, Spase/ObservedRegion.
Element name to get from response. For example, Region.
Name of key to return result in. For example,
Dictionary containing a key with the given result_name and
a value equal to a List of the given name element values from
the response
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
url = self._endpoint + resource
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout)
status = self.__get_status(response)
if response.status_code != 200:
return status
mt_response = ET.fromstring(response.text)
result = {
result_name: []
for value in mt_response.findall('.//hdp:' + name,
return result
def __get_complex_resource(
resource_types: List[ResourceType],
query: Dict,
date_range: Union[List[str], DateInterval] = None,
**keywords: Union[
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified SPASE documents from HDP.
List of SPASE ResourceTypes to get.
Dictionary containing query parameters and values.
A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string
values of the start and stop date of the requested resources.
for example,<pre>
date_range = ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02']
Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br>
<b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since
datetime value.<br>
Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
- Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header
when available.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
resource_path = ';'.join(type.value for type in resource_types)
url = self._endpoint + 'Spase/' + resource_path
if date_range is not None:
if isinstance(date_range, list):
date_interval = DateInterval(date_range[0], date_range[1])
date_interval = date_range
url += '/' + str(date_interval)
headers = {}
if_modified_since = keywords.get('if_modified_since', None)
if if_modified_since is not None:
headers = {
'If-Modified-Since': \
response = self._session.get(url, params=query, headers=headers,
self.logger.debug('response.url = %s', response.url)
status = self.__get_status(response)
if response.status_code != 200:
return status
result = {
'Result': ET.fromstring(response.text)
return result
def __get_status(
response: requests.Response
) -> Dict:
Gets status and header information from the given response. In
particular, when status_code != 200, an attempt is made to
extract the HDP WS ErrorMessage and ErrorDescription from the
requests Response object.
Dict containing the following:<br>
- HttpStatus: the HTTP status code<br>
- Last-Modified: the HTTP Last-Modified header value when
additionally, when HttpStatus != 200<br>
- ErrorText: a string representation of the entire entity
- ErrorMessage: HDP WS ErrorMessage (when available)<br>
- ErrorDescription: HDP WS ErrorDescription (when available)
http_result = {
'HttpStatus': response.status_code
if 'Last-Modified' in response.headers:
http_result['Last-Modified'] = \
if response.status_code != 200:
http_result['ErrorText'] = response.text
error_element = ET.fromstring(response.text)
http_result['ErrorMessage'] = error_element.findall(\
http_result['ErrorDescription'] = error_element.findall(\
except ParseError:
pass # ErrorText is the best we can do
return http_result
class HdpWs (endpoint=None, timeout=None, proxy=None, ca_certs=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, user_agent=None)
Class representing the web service interface to NASA's Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP)
- URL of the HDP web service. If None, the default is ''.
- Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server.
- HTTP proxy information.
For example,
proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', }
Proxy information can also be set with environment variables. For example,$ export HTTP_PROXY="" $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
- Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will override the default bundle.
- Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate.
- A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent values.
The logger used by this class has the class' name (HdpWs). By default, it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure the logger to aid in diagnosing problems.
This class is dependent upon xml.etree.ElementTree module which is vulnerable to an "exponential entity expansion" and "quadratic blowup entity expansion" XML attack. However, this class only receives XML from the (trusted) HDP server so these attacks are not a threat. See the xml.etree.ElementTree "XML vulnerabilities" documentation for more details
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class HdpWs: """ Class representing the web service interface to NASA's Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP) <>. Parameters ---------- endpoint URL of the HDP web service. If None, the default is ''. timeout Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server. proxy HTTP proxy information. For example,<pre> proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', }</pre> Proxy information can also be set with environment variables. For example,<pre> $ export HTTP_PROXY="" $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""</pre> ca_certs Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will override the default bundle. disable_ssl_certificate_validation Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate. user_agent A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent values. Notes ----- The logger used by this class has the class' name (HdpWs). By default, it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure the logger to aid in diagnosing problems. This class is dependent upon xml.etree.ElementTree module which is vulnerable to an "exponential entity expansion" and "quadratic blowup entity expansion" XML attack. However, this class only receives XML from the (trusted) HDP server so these attacks are not a threat. See the xml.etree.ElementTree "XML vulnerabilities" documentation for more details <>. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, endpoint=None, timeout=None, proxy=None, ca_certs=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, user_agent=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__) self.logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) self.retry_after_time = None self.logger.debug('endpoint = %s', endpoint) self.logger.debug('ca_certs = %s', ca_certs) self.logger.debug('disable_ssl_certificate_validation = %s', disable_ssl_certificate_validation) if endpoint is None: self._endpoint = '' else: self._endpoint = endpoint self._user_agent = 'hdpws/' + __version__ + ' (' + \ platform.python_implementation() + ' ' \ + platform.python_version() + '; '+ platform.platform() + ')' if user_agent is not None: self._user_agent += ' (' + user_agent + ')' self._request_headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/xml', 'Accept' : 'application/xml', 'User-Agent' : self._user_agent } self._session = requests.Session() #self._session.max_redirects = 0 self._session.headers.update(self._request_headers) if ca_certs is not None: self._session.verify = ca_certs if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is True: self._session.verify = False if proxy is not None: self._proxy = proxy self._timeout = timeout # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments def __str__(self) -> str: """ Produces a string representation of this object. Returns ------- str A string representation of this object. """ return 'HdpWs(endpoint=' + self._endpoint + ', timeout=' + \ str(self._timeout) + ')' def __del__(self): """ Destructor. Closes all network connections. """ self.close() def close(self) -> None: """ Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary. """ self._session.close() @property def endpoint(self) -> str: """ Gets the endpoint value. Returns ------- str endpoint value. """ return self._endpoint def get_application_interfaces( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Software/ApplicationInterface values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'ApplicationInterface' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Software/ApplicationInterface values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/ApplicationInterface', 'ApplicationInterface', 'ApplicationInterface') def get_keywords( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all //Keyword values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Keyword' key with a value of a List containing all /Keyword values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Keyword', 'Keyword', 'Keyword') def get_instrument_ids( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Instrument/ResourceID values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'InstrumentID' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Instrument/ResourceID values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Instrument/ResourceID', 'ResourceID', 'InstrumentID') def get_repository_ids( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Repository/ResourceID values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'RespositoryID' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Respository/ResourceID values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Repository/ResourceID', 'ResourceID', 'RepositoryID') def get_styles( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Style values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Style' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Style values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Style', 'Style', 'Style') def get_measurement_types( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/MeasurementType values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'MeasurementType' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/MeasurementType values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/MeasurementType', 'MeasurementType', 'MeasurementType') def get_spectral_ranges( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/SpectralRange values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'SpectralRange' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/SpectralRange values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/SpectralRange', 'SpectralRange', 'SpectralRange') def get_phenomenon_types( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/PhenomenonType values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'PhenomenonType' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/PhenomenonType values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/PhenomenonType', 'PhenomenonType', 'PhenomenonType') def get_observatory_group_ids( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Observatory/ObservatoryGroupID values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'ObservatoryGroupID' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Observed/ObservatoryGroupID values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Observatory/ObservatoryGroupID', 'ObservatoryGroupID', 'ObservatoryGroupID') def get_observatory_ids( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'ObservatoryID' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Observatory/ResourceID', 'ResourceID', 'ObservatoryID') def get_observed_regions( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/ObservedRegion values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'ObservedRegion' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/ObservedRegion values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/ObservedRegion', 'Region', 'ObservedRegion') def get_spase( self, resource_ids: List[str], **keywords: Union[ datetime] ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_ids List of SPASE ResourceID values of the documents to get. keywords Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br> <b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.<br> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> - Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self._endpoint + 'Spase' headers = {} if_modified_since = keywords.get('if_modified_since', None) if if_modified_since is not None: headers = { 'If-Modified-Since': \ if_modified_since.strftime(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_FORMAT) } query = { 'ResourceID': resource_ids } response = self._session.get(url, params=query, headers=headers, timeout=self._timeout) self.logger.debug('response.url = %s', response.url) status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status result = { 'Result': ET.fromstring(response.text) } result.update(status) return result def get_spase_url( self, resource_id: str ) -> str: """ Gets the URL of the specified SPASE document from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_id SPASE ResourceID value of the document to get. Returns ------- str URL of the specified SPASE document. """ return self.endpoint + 'Spase?ResourceID=' + resource_id def get_spase_html( self, resource_id: str, **keywords: Union[ datetime] ) -> str: """ Gets the an HTML representation of the specified SPASE document from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_id SPASE ResourceID value of the document to get. keywords Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br> <b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.<br> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key whose value is an HTML representation of the specified SPASE document with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> - Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self.endpoint + 'Spase' headers = { 'Accept': 'text/html' } if_modified_since = keywords.get('if_modified_since', None) if if_modified_since is not None: headers['If-Modified-Since'] = \ if_modified_since.strftime(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_FORMAT) query = { 'ResourceID': resource_id } response = self._session.get(url, params=query, headers=headers, timeout=self._timeout) self.logger.debug('response.url = %s', response.url) status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status result = { 'Result': response.text } result.update(status) return result def get_spase_data( self, resource_types: List[ResourceType], query: Dict, date_range: Union[List[str], DateInterval] = None, **keywords: Union[ datetime] ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE "data" documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_types List of SPASE ResourceTypes to get. ResourceType.NUMERICAL_DATA , ResourceType.DISPLAY_DATA, or both. query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/CRIS', 'Cadence': '=PT1H', 'ObservedRegion': 'Heliosphere.NearEarth', 'MeasurementType': 'EnergeticParticles', 'AccessRights': 'Open', 'Format': 'CDF' }</pre> date_range A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop date of the requested resources. for example,<pre> date_range = ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02'] </pre> keywords Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br> <b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.<br> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> - Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource(resource_types, query, date_range, **keywords) def get_spase_catalog( self, query: Dict, date_range: Union[List[str], DateInterval] = None ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Catalog documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/MAG', 'PhenomenonType': 'MagneticCloud', 'Description': 'ICME' }</pre> date_range A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop date of the requested resources. for example,<pre> date_range = ['1999-01-01', '1999-01-02'] </pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.CATALOG], query, date_range) def get_spase_collection( self, query: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Collection documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://NASA/Collection/IRIS_AIA', 'MemberID': 'spase://NASA/NumericalData/SDO/AIA/PT10S', 'Description': 'IRIS AND SDO and AIA' }</pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.COLLECTION], query) def get_spase_document( self, query: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Document documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://SMWG/Document/HPDE/Policy/HP_DataPolicy_v1.2', 'DOI': '10.21978/P83P78', 'Description': '"Program Data Management Plan"' }</pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.DOCUMENT], query) def get_spase_service( self, query: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Service documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://CCMC/Service/InstantRun', 'Description': '"Instan-Run"' }</pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.SERVICE], query) def get_spase_software( self, query: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Software documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://CCMC/Software/Kamodo', 'CodeLanguage': 'Python', 'Description': '"space weather models and data"' }</pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.SOFTWARE], query) def __get_simple_resource( self, resource: str, name: str, result_name: str ) -> Dict: """ Gets all simple resource values available at HDP. Parameters ---------- resource Resource path. For example, Spase/ObservedRegion. name Element name to get from response. For example, Region. result_name Name of key to return result in. For example, ObservedRegion. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a key with the given result_name and a value equal to a List of the given name element values from the response with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self._endpoint + resource self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout) status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status mt_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) result = { result_name: [] } for value in mt_response.findall('.//hdp:' + name, namespaces=NS): result[result_name].append(value.text) result.update(status) return result def __get_complex_resource( self, resource_types: List[ResourceType], query: Dict, date_range: Union[List[str], DateInterval] = None, **keywords: Union[ datetime] ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_types List of SPASE ResourceTypes to get. query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. date_range A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop date of the requested resources. for example,<pre> date_range = ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02'] </pre> keywords Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br> <b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.<br> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> - Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ resource_path = ';'.join(type.value for type in resource_types) url = self._endpoint + 'Spase/' + resource_path if date_range is not None: if isinstance(date_range, list): date_interval = DateInterval(date_range[0], date_range[1]) else: date_interval = date_range url += '/' + str(date_interval) headers = {} if_modified_since = keywords.get('if_modified_since', None) if if_modified_since is not None: headers = { 'If-Modified-Since': \ if_modified_since.strftime(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_FORMAT) } response = self._session.get(url, params=query, headers=headers, timeout=self._timeout) self.logger.debug('response.url = %s', response.url) status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status result = { 'Result': ET.fromstring(response.text) } result.update(status) return result @staticmethod def __get_status( response: requests.Response ) -> Dict: """ Gets status and header information from the given response. In particular, when status_code != 200, an attempt is made to extract the HDP WS ErrorMessage and ErrorDescription from the response. Parameters ---------- response requests Response object. Returns ------- Dict Dict containing the following:<br> - HttpStatus: the HTTP status code<br> - Last-Modified: the HTTP Last-Modified header value when available<br> additionally, when HttpStatus != 200<br> - ErrorText: a string representation of the entire entity body<br> - ErrorMessage: HDP WS ErrorMessage (when available)<br> - ErrorDescription: HDP WS ErrorDescription (when available) """ http_result = { 'HttpStatus': response.status_code } if 'Last-Modified' in response.headers: http_result['Last-Modified'] = \ parser.parse(response.headers['Last-Modified']) if response.status_code != 200: http_result['ErrorText'] = response.text try: error_element = ET.fromstring(response.text) http_result['ErrorMessage'] = error_element.findall(\ './/xhtml:p[@class="ErrorMessage"]/xhtml:b', namespaces=NS)[0].tail http_result['ErrorDescription'] = error_element.findall(\ './/xhtml:p[@class="ErrorDescription"]/xhtml:b', namespaces=NS)[0].tail except ParseError: pass # ErrorText is the best we can do return http_result
Instance variables
var endpoint : str
Gets the endpoint value.
- endpoint value.
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@property def endpoint(self) -> str: """ Gets the endpoint value. Returns ------- str endpoint value. """ return self._endpoint
def close(self) ‑> None
Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary.
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def close(self) -> None: """ Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary. """ self._session.close()
def get_application_interfaces(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/Software/ApplicationInterface values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'ApplicationInterface' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Software/ApplicationInterface values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_application_interfaces( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Software/ApplicationInterface values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'ApplicationInterface' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Software/ApplicationInterface values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/ApplicationInterface', 'ApplicationInterface', 'ApplicationInterface')
def get_instrument_ids(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/Instrument/ResourceID values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'InstrumentID' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Instrument/ResourceID values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_instrument_ids( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Instrument/ResourceID values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'InstrumentID' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Instrument/ResourceID values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Instrument/ResourceID', 'ResourceID', 'InstrumentID')
def get_keywords(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all //Keyword values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'Keyword' key with a value
of a List containing all /Keyword values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
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def get_keywords( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all //Keyword values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Keyword' key with a value of a List containing all /Keyword values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Keyword', 'Keyword', 'Keyword')
def get_measurement_types(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/MeasurementType values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'MeasurementType' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/MeasurementType values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_measurement_types( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/MeasurementType values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'MeasurementType' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/MeasurementType values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/MeasurementType', 'MeasurementType', 'MeasurementType')
def get_observatory_group_ids(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/Observatory/ObservatoryGroupID values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'ObservatoryGroupID' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Observed/ObservatoryGroupID
values with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_observatory_group_ids( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Observatory/ObservatoryGroupID values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'ObservatoryGroupID' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Observed/ObservatoryGroupID values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Observatory/ObservatoryGroupID', 'ObservatoryGroupID', 'ObservatoryGroupID')
def get_observatory_ids(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'ObservatoryID' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_observatory_ids( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'ObservatoryID' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Observatory/ResourceID values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Observatory/ResourceID', 'ResourceID', 'ObservatoryID')
def get_observed_regions(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/ObservedRegion values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'ObservedRegion' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/ObservedRegion values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_observed_regions( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/ObservedRegion values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'ObservedRegion' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/ObservedRegion values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/ObservedRegion', 'Region', 'ObservedRegion')
def get_phenomenon_types(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/PhenomenonType values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'PhenomenonType' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/PhenomenonType values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_phenomenon_types( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/PhenomenonType values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'PhenomenonType' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/PhenomenonType values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/PhenomenonType', 'PhenomenonType', 'PhenomenonType')
def get_repository_ids(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/Repository/ResourceID values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'RespositoryID' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Respository/ResourceID values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_repository_ids( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Repository/ResourceID values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'RespositoryID' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Respository/ResourceID values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Repository/ResourceID', 'ResourceID', 'RepositoryID')
def get_spase(self, resource_ids: List[str], **keywords: datetime.datetime) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified SPASE documents from HDP.
- List of SPASE ResourceID values of the documents to get.
- Optional keyword paramaters as follows:
if_modified_since - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.
- Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
- Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spase( self, resource_ids: List[str], **keywords: Union[ datetime] ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_ids List of SPASE ResourceID values of the documents to get. keywords Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br> <b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.<br> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> - Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self._endpoint + 'Spase' headers = {} if_modified_since = keywords.get('if_modified_since', None) if if_modified_since is not None: headers = { 'If-Modified-Since': \ if_modified_since.strftime(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_FORMAT) } query = { 'ResourceID': resource_ids } response = self._session.get(url, params=query, headers=headers, timeout=self._timeout) self.logger.debug('response.url = %s', response.url) status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status result = { 'Result': ET.fromstring(response.text) } result.update(status) return result
def get_spase_catalog(self, query: Dict, date_range: List[str] | DateInterval = None) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified SPASE Catalog documents from HDP.
- Dictionary containing query parameters and values.
query = { 'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/MAG', 'PhenomenonType': 'MagneticCloud', 'Description': 'ICME' }
- A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string
values of the start and stop date of the requested resources.
for example,
date_range = ['1999-01-01', '1999-01-02']
- Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spase_catalog( self, query: Dict, date_range: Union[List[str], DateInterval] = None ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Catalog documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/MAG', 'PhenomenonType': 'MagneticCloud', 'Description': 'ICME' }</pre> date_range A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop date of the requested resources. for example,<pre> date_range = ['1999-01-01', '1999-01-02'] </pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.CATALOG], query, date_range)
def get_spase_collection(self, query: Dict) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified SPASE Collection documents from HDP.
- Dictionary containing query parameters and values.
query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://NASA/Collection/IRIS_AIA', 'MemberID': 'spase://NASA/NumericalData/SDO/AIA/PT10S', 'Description': 'IRIS AND SDO and AIA' }
- Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spase_collection( self, query: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Collection documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://NASA/Collection/IRIS_AIA', 'MemberID': 'spase://NASA/NumericalData/SDO/AIA/PT10S', 'Description': 'IRIS AND SDO and AIA' }</pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.COLLECTION], query)
def get_spase_data(self, resource_types: List[ResourceType], query: Dict, date_range: List[str] | DateInterval = None, **keywords: datetime.datetime) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified SPASE "data" documents from HDP.
- List of SPASE ResourceTypes to get. ResourceType.NUMERICAL_DATA , ResourceType.DISPLAY_DATA, or both.
- Dictionary containing query parameters and values.
query = { 'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/CRIS', 'Cadence': '=PT1H', 'ObservedRegion': 'Heliosphere.NearEarth', 'MeasurementType': 'EnergeticParticles', 'AccessRights': 'Open', 'Format': 'CDF' }
- A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string
values of the start and stop date of the requested resources.
for example,
date_range = ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02']
- Optional keyword paramaters as follows:
if_modified_since - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.
- Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
- Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spase_data( self, resource_types: List[ResourceType], query: Dict, date_range: Union[List[str], DateInterval] = None, **keywords: Union[ datetime] ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE "data" documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_types List of SPASE ResourceTypes to get. ResourceType.NUMERICAL_DATA , ResourceType.DISPLAY_DATA, or both. query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'InstrumentID': 'spase://SMWG/Instrument/ACE/CRIS', 'Cadence': '=PT1H', 'ObservedRegion': 'Heliosphere.NearEarth', 'MeasurementType': 'EnergeticParticles', 'AccessRights': 'Open', 'Format': 'CDF' }</pre> date_range A DateInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop date of the requested resources. for example,<pre> date_range = ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02'] </pre> keywords Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br> <b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.<br> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> - Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource(resource_types, query, date_range, **keywords)
def get_spase_document(self, query: Dict) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified SPASE Document documents from HDP.
- Dictionary containing query parameters and values.
query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://SMWG/Document/HPDE/Policy/HP_DataPolicy_v1.2', 'DOI': '10.21978/P83P78', 'Description': '"Program Data Management Plan"' }
- Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spase_document( self, query: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Document documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://SMWG/Document/HPDE/Policy/HP_DataPolicy_v1.2', 'DOI': '10.21978/P83P78', 'Description': '"Program Data Management Plan"' }</pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.DOCUMENT], query)
def get_spase_html(self, resource_id: str, **keywords: datetime.datetime) ‑> str
Gets the an HTML representation of the specified SPASE document from HDP.
- SPASE ResourceID value of the document to get.
- Optional keyword paramaters as follows:
if_modified_since - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.
- Dictionary containing a 'Result' key whose value is an HTML
representation of the specified SPASE document with the
addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
- Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spase_html( self, resource_id: str, **keywords: Union[ datetime] ) -> str: """ Gets the an HTML representation of the specified SPASE document from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_id SPASE ResourceID value of the document to get. keywords Optional keyword paramaters as follows:<br> <b>if_modified_since</b> - conditional GET If-Modified-Since datetime value.<br> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key whose value is an HTML representation of the specified SPASE document with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> - Last-Modified: the value of the HTTP Last-Modified header when available.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self.endpoint + 'Spase' headers = { 'Accept': 'text/html' } if_modified_since = keywords.get('if_modified_since', None) if if_modified_since is not None: headers['If-Modified-Since'] = \ if_modified_since.strftime(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_FORMAT) query = { 'ResourceID': resource_id } response = self._session.get(url, params=query, headers=headers, timeout=self._timeout) self.logger.debug('response.url = %s', response.url) status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status result = { 'Result': response.text } result.update(status) return result
def get_spase_service(self, query: Dict) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified SPASE Service documents from HDP.
- Dictionary containing query parameters and values.
query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://CCMC/Service/InstantRun', 'Description': '"Instan-Run"' }
- Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spase_service( self, query: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Service documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://CCMC/Service/InstantRun', 'Description': '"Instan-Run"' }</pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.SERVICE], query)
def get_spase_software(self, query: Dict) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified SPASE Software documents from HDP.
- Dictionary containing query parameters and values.
query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://CCMC/Software/Kamodo', 'CodeLanguage': 'Python', 'Description': '"space weather models and data"' }
- Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an
ElementTree representation of the results as described by
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spase_software( self, query: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified SPASE Software documents from HDP. Parameters ---------- query Dictionary containing query parameters and values. For example,<pre> query = { 'ResourceID': 'spase://CCMC/Software/Kamodo', 'CodeLanguage': 'Python', 'Description': '"space weather models and data"' }</pre> Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Result' key with a value of an ElementTree representation of the results as described by <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_complex_resource([ResourceType.SOFTWARE], query)
def get_spase_url(self, resource_id: str) ‑> str
Gets the URL of the specified SPASE document from HDP.
- SPASE ResourceID value of the document to get.
- URL of the specified SPASE document.
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def get_spase_url( self, resource_id: str ) -> str: """ Gets the URL of the specified SPASE document from HDP. Parameters ---------- resource_id SPASE ResourceID value of the document to get. Returns ------- str URL of the specified SPASE document. """ return self.endpoint + 'Spase?ResourceID=' + resource_id
def get_spectral_ranges(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/SpectralRange values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'SpectralRange' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/SpectralRange values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_spectral_ranges( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/SpectralRange values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'SpectralRange' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/SpectralRange values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/SpectralRange', 'SpectralRange', 'SpectralRange')
def get_styles(self) ‑> Dict
Gets all /Spase/Style values available at HDP.
- Dictionary containing a 'Style' key with a value
of a List containing all /Spase/Style values
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
Expand source code
def get_styles( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets all /Spase/Style values available at HDP. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary containing a 'Style' key with a value of a List containing all /Spase/Style values with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard HDP WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ return self.__get_simple_resource('Spase/Style', 'Style', 'Style')